about us
Abolish Slavery VAis a growing coalition of grassroots organizations, human rights advocates, and those directly impacted by the systemic racism and exploitation of the criminal justice system. We act through legislative advocacy, raising public awareness and education, and community organizing and empowerment. Started in 2022 as a response to a need for leadership in state operations for Virginia in pushing for legislation that would amend the state constitution to fully abolish all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude, including as punishment for crime, once and for all. As a proud affiliate of the Abolish Slavery National Network, we envision a United States where all people, without exception, are free from slavery and involuntary servitude and where all people are protected by their state and federal constitution. ​
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a society that is free from the chains of slavery and eradicate the oppressive practices that exist within our criminal justice system. We strive to promote social justice and uphold human rights by advocating for racial equity, dismantling systemic racism, and disrupting the prison industrial complex and carceral system that have perpetuated the profit-driven warehousing of bodies in our country. We believe that the abolition of all forms of slavery is an essential step towards achieving this goal, therefore, our main objective is first and foremost to amend the state constitution of Virginia to remove the exception clause and end slavery of all forms, including as punishment for a crime. Through community engagement, public outreach, and legislative advocacy, we will work tirelessly to pass legislation that will finally end slavery in our state once and for all.​
​​​We are part of a growing
national movement
Abolish Slavery Virginia is proud to be a part of a dynamic and expanding national movement dedicated to eradicating all forms of modern-day slavery. Our efforts are in unison with the broader Abolish Slavery National Network, a coalition of passionate advocates, organizations, and communities across the country working tirelessly to abolish slavery in all its manifestations, including its use as a punishment for crime.
This movement transcends state lines, uniting a diverse array of voices and perspectives to amplify our collective impact. We collaborate closely with our affiliates and partners, such as Virginia Justice Alliance, to drive legislative and societal change. By working together, we ensure that our mission to end slavery is pursued with vigor and persistence, resonating from local communities to the national stage.
We stand in solidarity with states and organizations nationwide that have already made significant strides in this fight. Together, we are pushing for constitutional amendments, policy reforms, and the dismantling of systems that perpetuate modern slavery. Our united front is a testament to the power of collective action and the shared belief that every person deserves freedom and dignity.
As part of this national movement, Abolish Slavery Virginia is more than just a regional effort; we are a crucial link in a chain of activists and advocates committed to transforming our society. Our success is intertwined with the progress of our allies across the nation, and we are inspired by the remarkable advancements being made in states like Colorado, Nebraska, and Utah, where similar measures have already passed.
Together, we are making history. Together, we are building a future free from slavery. Join us in this vital cause and be a part of a movement that will leave a lasting legacy of justice and human rights for generations to come.